Friday, December 24, 2010

How did Christmas get here?

It simultaneously seems like an eternity and half a second since I had my C-section and brought these beautiful boys into the world.
We're so used to having twins that it would seem abnormal to have just one baby.
On the other hand, we're not so used to having them that we can do it without exhaustion and fights, mishaps and adjustments.
I suppose every parent has to deal with issues; on the other hand, I'm so thankful for these sweet babies. I'm so thankful I have three children, and they're all smart and beautiful and normal. I have healthy children, healthy babies, and I couldn't be more grateful.
Two of my close friends had babies this year and one had a baby who tragically died 90 minutes later. All three of these lives are, were, precious, and I celebrated with two while mourning with another. All three of these women are strong and wonderful mothers I'm thankful to have in my life.
Being a mom so changes who you are as a person. Christmas, for instance, is no longer about the gifts I receive (in fact, Ro and I skipped each other to give our children a better holiday this year) but about the joy on my boys' faces. For the first time, Mitchell had siblings at Christmas. He's been begging for them for years, and he was so excited he started wrapping up his own toys to give to his brothers. He went shopping with me to pick their presents, and he dragged every other adult in the world with him to the store to buy his brothers presents. I've never seen him so excited, and it's not even about gifts for him.
Tonight, Mitchell is with his dad, and the four of us are doing Christmas alone, without any family. Ro grilled steak for supper, and the babies were actually able to eat some. We gave them a bath, put them in their Christmas pajamas and gave them their bottles. They went to sleep peacefully, awaiting their first visit from Santa. Ro even made cookies for Santa.
It's weird with no extended family, but we are thankful for our own little brood, proud of our home we've built. This year, the best present I received was the success of my family, my marriage. Looking forward to so many Christmases to come.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December already?

It's almost the end of 2010, and I can honestly say, looking back, it's been the most eventful year of my life.
I started the year knowing we were going to have two babies before summer. Getting the news in September of 2009 that we were going to have two instead of one made me nuts. I've never reacted that way about anything. I screamed and cried in the doctor's office, and I seriously thought he was going to have to sedate me. It didn't take much time to get used to the fact, though, that I'd be going home from the hospital with two babies. The only fear was that they'd come too early or be unhealthy since that tends to happen with twins.
By January, my fears had been calmed. I entered the new year fairly prepared for what was only months away form happening. My actual due date was April 10, but we'd been told that if we made it that far, the doctor would do a scheduled C-section at 38 weeks. I didn't possibly see how I could make it that long. In January, the babies were already 4 or 5 pounds each, which was huge for that time in my pregnancy. It was estimated they'd be around 9 pounds if I went the full 40 weeks.
Around February, I began to get irritated with people telling me it would only get harder from here. I knew that! But I also knew that my body was hurting worse than ever before. I could hardly get out of bed, even to go to the bathroom, which had to happen quite frequently. The boys were stretching my belly to proportions I could never imagine it stretching. I had a road map of stretch marks covering my belly. My belly was measuring at 45 weeks when I was only 30 weeks. I hadn't gained very much weight at all, but I felt like a whale. The babies were sucking EVERYTHING out of me.
The beginning of March came, and even though I wasn't due for another six weeks, I began to wish I would give birth. Everyone told me I shouldn't be wishing for it so soon, but I knew they'd be ok. I could tell they were big enough, and the ultrasound tech told me she could see them "Breathing" in the womb already, which meant their lungs were mature. She estimated them at 7 pounds the morning I went in for what was supposed to be my 35 week appointment and monthly ultrasound.
I had began having bad contractions the day before. My parents were there to take me to the doctor, as they had been from the time I couldn't drive anymore. This was a big commitment, as I had appointments every week for the last few months. The morning my mom took me in for the appointment, I had an ultrasound at 6. The second the tech showed up (she was my pal... she did the ultrasounds the whole way through the pregnancy), she said, "Oh, honey, you're in labor."
She went ahead and did the ultrasound and insisted on wheeling me up to the doc's office. She parked me in the waiting room, and then went back to get my nurse. She saw me and immediately took me over the labor and delivery. What I didn't know is that there was a secret tunnel that led from the doc's office to the hospital! Very cool ride.
The boys were 6 lbs. 9 oz. each. Born that morning by C-section.
The first six weeks were so hard, I won't even go into it now.
I went back to work the beginning of May. Because of day care costs, I've had to work two jobs since the end of the summer to now. The time has flown by. I'm so used to being the mother of twins, I rarely even think it's difficult anymore.
When I do have just one baby at home, I often wonder how mothers of one baby could ever have anything to gripe about. It's so easy when there's just one. The hubs and I have definitely become much more of a team. We either had to be a great team or fail monumentally. It's one of those things that's either going to make you stronger or split you up.
I also had to have a hysterectomy at the end of August. I was totally ok with it. I have three beautiful boys, and I don't need to be pregnant anymore!
So much has happened, and with it being Dec. 1, it just runs through my mind what an eventful year it's been. Before I know it, they'll be 1. Their arrival has added so much stress to my life, but it has also added so much joy. Here's to a great last month of 2010!

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's not all about the babies...

One of the things twin (or more) moms have to go through constantly is people thinking it's as easy to have two (or three, four, five...) as it is to have one.

What people don't understand is that it affects our bodies not just double, triple, etc., but exponentially. The reason I'm writing about this is because of how much of a difference it's made in my quality of life. My boys were seven pounds each at birth. I gave birth at 35 weeks. They were bigger than average babies, and I had two.

Because of this, I'm dealing with extreme damage to my back. Already found in the search to figure out what to operate on:

  • A ruptured disc in my neck
  • Nerve damage in my arm
  • Rotator cuff damage
  • Nerve impingement in my shoulder
A shoulder surgeon is supposed to be reviewing my medical records today to see if he can address the issues in my shoulder. The surgery suggested by the spinal doc is shaving off a piece of bone that is "impinging" upon a nerve. The spinal surgeon thinks this will help the majority of my pain and we can reassess from there. Just have to get the shoulder surgeon to agree.

My pain management dr. is now refusing to refill my pain meds. I don't really know why. All I know is I can't pick up my babies, and I hurt all the time. She DID agree to move up another injection of steroids (my third) into my spine. Most of this trouble has been from carrying these precious babies (almost) to term. I love them desperately, and all I want to do is care for them.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

First entry...

Hey, fellow mommies of twins, triplets, quadruplets... and so on. I just thought it was wise to start this blog because I, as others, did not plan to become a mother of multiples. It takes so much of your time, energy and yes, even sanity, to be a mommy to more than one baby at once. I thought I'd start by introducing myself and go from there.

I'm 28 years old. I live in San Antonio, Texas. I am a reporter for the communities section of the San Antonio Express-News. I love my job. I hate my pay.

I have a precious 8-year-old boy, M, who is a type I diabetic. He rocks my world.

The babies are 8-month-old fraternal boys. H1 and H2. They just started to crawl. This is where the madness comes in...

I love my life. I wouldn't trade it for the world. My husband is fantastic. I've never written a blog, so you guys bear with me as I get used to it.

The purpose of my being here is to help others in need, or create a support community for those who need help navigating these rough waters. Ask questions, comment, introduce yourselves. We all need help or just a spot to vent.

Be back later...

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