Tuesday, August 9, 2011

All this free time on my hands.

My two youngest children are still small. My older one is out for summer vacation. My husband is already back at work. This is probably the worst time to evaluate how much work stay-at-home moms have to do, but so far, I'm bored!

Yesterday morning, I took time out to clean the house. It took me a couple of hours, but I managed to deep clean the living room and kitchen and get caught up on the dishes and laundry. I took Mitch to a movie (I wasn't that impressed with this Planet of the Apes movie, by the way. I was expecting a lot more). I caught up on my freelance work. I started putting together the final report for the class I'm taking this summer.

This morning, I'm out of things to do. I'm trying to pace myself, but wow. I've gotten the boys out of bed, fed them, played with them, read to them. Now they're totally into watching Thomas and Friends, and I'm twitching. Maybe I should take up sewing? Knitting? Ice sculpting?

I'll get used to this and adapt. I know I will. It's just... I've never really not had a job. Ever. It's new territory. The closest I came was my senior year in college where my only job was editing a section of my college newspaper and doing some freelance work. I think that year, I did more than 18 hours each semester and we were planning a wedding, though, so I had plenty to do. Plus, we were potty training Mitchell that year, so there was lots of work to do at home. Also, we were planning a move to San Antonio, which meant looking for jobs and doing lots of packing.

There are no projects on my horizon. I need to learn to slow down and enjoy just being here with my kids. Anyone have any tips?


  1. I have never complained of being bored. My husband gets mad because I could sit and watch tv or read all day. So, I can't really relate to that.

  2. Gardening! It is great on all levels. Even patio gardening.


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