Monday, January 30, 2012

Sharing is Caring.

Especially when it comes to germs, in our house. Both of my boys have croup, something I remember having been called "The Croup" when I was a child. It's a mild case: no fever, barking cough only at night, hoarse voice during the day.

The croup is actually a monster that works its way into your child's respiratory system. It looks like this in the head: 

And it has a wormlike body, so it can wiggle all the way up through its throat and produce mucous that they hack up as they bark like a seal. That's Mr. Croup. Right up there.

In addition, we've also found out Hank has to have surgery. If he were older, I'd keep it to myself for fear of embarrassing him. It's on his boy parts. Part of the skin around the tip of it has grown together, and they have to cut it apart. What he has is something called penile adhesion. We noticed it a couple of months ago, and I kept meaning to call the doc and never did.

When I finally got up to calling, he'd developed croup, so it seemed fortuitous that we went. Harry had it, too, so I'm glad I had them there together. I think I have a touch of it as well. I have that hoarseness and difficulty breathing.

I'm nervous about Hank having surgery. He'll have to be put under general anesthesia, which bothers any mother of a young child, I'm sure. It'll also be quite a financial burden on us. I'm overly worried about that. Hoping we get money back from the government this year on our income taxes so we can pay for it that way.

Life just stays interesting around this joint, doesn't it?

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