Monday, November 22, 2010

It's not all about the babies...

One of the things twin (or more) moms have to go through constantly is people thinking it's as easy to have two (or three, four, five...) as it is to have one.

What people don't understand is that it affects our bodies not just double, triple, etc., but exponentially. The reason I'm writing about this is because of how much of a difference it's made in my quality of life. My boys were seven pounds each at birth. I gave birth at 35 weeks. They were bigger than average babies, and I had two.

Because of this, I'm dealing with extreme damage to my back. Already found in the search to figure out what to operate on:

  • A ruptured disc in my neck
  • Nerve damage in my arm
  • Rotator cuff damage
  • Nerve impingement in my shoulder
A shoulder surgeon is supposed to be reviewing my medical records today to see if he can address the issues in my shoulder. The surgery suggested by the spinal doc is shaving off a piece of bone that is "impinging" upon a nerve. The spinal surgeon thinks this will help the majority of my pain and we can reassess from there. Just have to get the shoulder surgeon to agree.

My pain management dr. is now refusing to refill my pain meds. I don't really know why. All I know is I can't pick up my babies, and I hurt all the time. She DID agree to move up another injection of steroids (my third) into my spine. Most of this trouble has been from carrying these precious babies (almost) to term. I love them desperately, and all I want to do is care for them.

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