Thursday, April 7, 2011

The biggest twin problem yet.

As you all remember, about four months ago I had a giant meltdown when I didn't get any sleep for a couple of days. Anyone would. Not sleeping for that long is not healthy.

Husband and I were not on the same page about how to sleep train the twins. He was in favor of a more gentle mode of training, rocking them to sleep at night and then trying to put them down without waking them. I was in favor of balls to the wall, aggressive, letting them scream it out until they got used to it and fell asleep kind of training.

In an earlier post, you've figured out that I believe marriage is all about compromise. So, through my tears, I managed to explain to him that I was willing to do a modified kind of sleep training as long as he could give some from his end too. So I found a book, by a pediatrician, explaining that it was ok to let babies cry it out.

Long story short, we compromised and it worked. Nothing since has been as difficult. I've been blessed with easy babies.

Also as you all know, the babies turned 1 about a month ago. They are starting to walk. They crawl really fast. They're talking right on schedule; they both have lots of words. They're sleeping 12-13 hours a night. They love to snuggle with us. They understand the word no and are incredibly well-behaved 1-year-olds.

The only problem, the only hang-up, is that we are struggling through the eating part of things.

When they got out of the hospital, they ate like champs. Actually, as soon as they got out of my belly they ate like champs. They gave them two ounces of formula right there in the OR to make sure they ate well. And boy did they ever. They both sucked it down in seconds.

At their one-week checkup, the doctor said they were't gaining weight fast enough, so she had us put them on Gerber Good Start. They ate it like it was the best thing they'd ever tasted and both shot up in weight really quickly. The only problem is by about three weeks, they were seeming hungrier and hungrier.

Most docs won't advise solid foods until six months, based on the American Pediatric Ass.'s guidelines, but all three of my babies had to start rice cereal before they were a month old. We put it directly in the bottle.

With the twins, by three months, they had to have baby food. We tried with a spoon at first, and they just weren't coordinated enough to eat it, so we put it in their bottles with their formula. At first, we only did it with the morning bottle and the night bottle, but as they got older, they needed it constantly. By four and a half months, they were eating it in every bottle. We went on like that, adding as much as we could fit in a bottle, until they were around six or seven months old. Then we just started feeding them baby food outside of the bottles and increased their bottles to eight ounces with rice cereal.

In short, they've always eaten a lot, so when we tried to put them on table food and they started to stall out, it frustrated me. For the last couple of months, we've been fighting to get them to eat. Harry is starting to come around and eat pretty much everything we give him. Hank is more picky. He cries and turns his head and screams.

When he does this, it affects Harry. Harry gets upset, and it keeps Harry from eating. WIth one baby, you can negotiate and find things for one baby to eat. With two, by yourself, you have to make sure they're both in a good mood and eating, or one affects the other.

So I haven't figured this whole thing out yet. I've looked for books about this, like I found a book on getting twins to sleep. If such a book is out there, I surely can't locate it. If any of you knows of such a book, I'd owe you eternally for finding it for me!

If I figure this whole thing out, I will, of course, write about it. If any of you other moms of multiples out there knows what to do, please clue me in! This is a serious cry for help. I'm tired of seeing my babies so frustrated with their eating. And I'm tired of being frustrated about their eating. With one baby, I know it's just a phase, but with two, they just feed off each other, with their attitudes, their likes, their dislikes.

So any tips would be appreciated. And if you're not a mom of multiples, don't tell me it's just a phase and they'll get over it! Please! I'll get mad at you. And I don't like being mad at people.

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